Distribution is the selling and advertising of a product. The distributor is the link between the production of a film, the exhibition, circulation and the marketing of the film. Distribution is extremely important to a film as it can make or break it.  I believe that an independent company would distribute our media product. There is a fair possibility that an independent company like film4 would distribute my product due to their reputation of taking on unique, British films (E.g. This is England, Slumdog Millionaire and Lovely Bones).

The reason Film4 take on such films maybe due to  Channel 4, who really invigorated the British film industry in the 1980’s. This time was important in the movement of Social Realism films, and to really understand it, its crucial that you are aware of the social, political, and economic climates, and their impact on the alrealy ailing British film Industry. Thacherism shaped many social realism films, and not just the films made them, films that are also made nearer to date. ‘This is England.’ Channel 4 was there in the thick of it commissioning these films.
Using film4 specifically, the company would be more likely to distribute my film (When fully filmed) due to it being a completely British film (E.g. British Director, Cast, Producer). A second reason an independent film company would distribute my film could be due to the possible ease when advertising it – my media product has a fair few USP’S (Unique selling points) such as: the gritty,  sensitive situation at home and the unusual characters. A third reason could be the wide fan – base that already exists for the social realism genre, the fan – base alone could bring in potential viewers and with that money.